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Gerard Butler
Lord of the Rings
Phantom of the Opera
My videos blog
Saturday, 30 April 2005
New video, my first Phantom one :), Meg and Erik
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Phantom of the Opera
Hi :), this is a video with the song "No one would listen" by Gerard Butler, that was cut from the movie The Phantom of the Opera, why??? no clue since is beautiful!!!
Anyway, for a long while I have been thinking on doing a Meg/Erik video, why?? no clue either ;) I just really like them as a couple!!
Thanks to Cape Twirling of DOOM for the mp3!! and to Lot_666 and Erin for the image at the end of the video.
I hope you are all going to enjoy it, it cost me ages!! it was really hard specially since Meg and Erik doesn't share a scene!!! and Meg's are soo small most of the time :(, really it was a work of love to this idea.
I can't wait to know what you think of this one!!! since is the 3rd video with a complete story I have made, and the only one that is really online ;).
I hope you are going to like it, any feedback will be most welcomed :).
Hugs and thanks everyone!! be well and take care.

Erik & Meg, Unexpected RapidShare link

Erik & Meg, Unexpected YouSendIt link <---New link, by request, 24/06/05 :) thanks everyone!!!

Posted by Monica_O at 4:29 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 24 June 2005 6:17 PM GMT
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Thursday, 26 May 2005 - 1:55 AM GMT

Name: Roxie
Home Page:

Howdy! You already know I love this video, but it makes me sad that you have no comments here. :( So I added one!

How did you get the movie clips? I mean, I know people had the movie before it was out, but how did you get them onto the computer? Would you mind sending some of the Meg ones to me? Your video has inspired me to test out some skills of my own...

Thursday, 26 May 2005 - 2:41 PM GMT

Name: monica-hoh
Home Page:

Well Roxie, thanks!!!!!!!! yeah I feel kind of sad 'cause no one coments here, but is great to know people likes the vid when they email me or write me in places like Snow in Roses and little meg:D.
Well... and as for the movie clips... I downloaded the movie!!!!!, I already have the original dvd, amazing I have to say, but before that I got a copy of the Phantom movie that has Russian subtitles!!!, I have been thinking on changing the vid to take those parts but it was so hard to get everything as I wanted that I'm not so sure!!!
Anyway I'll write you about the clips ;), be well and take care, hugs!!!!!

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