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Gerard Butler
Lord of the Rings
Phantom of the Opera
My videos blog
Tuesday, 19 April 2005
New video ;), Gerry, One in a Million
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Sarah Brightman
Topic: Videos
Hi :), well people, I made another video ;), after watching Miss Congeniality 2 last Friday, I went home and watched the first one, and then I listen to this song, One in a million, all the misses dance it, and it just hit me!! just how much like Gerard that was!!!, 'cause he's really one in a million!!!.
I have been reading several stories from girls who meet him and the thing that is at all times mentioned is how he's always so kind and so cute!!, constantly giving his time to the fans!!, which is just amazing of him!! :D so I do think he's one in a Million :D.
Bosson owns this song, the clips and images are from all over the web, specially and the great PrincesSky :), thanks to everyone!!!.
Here is the Rapid Share link to Gerry, One in a million!!!
Rapid Share link
And here is a YouSendIt link You Send it link

I truly hope you are going to like it and enjoy it !! let me know what you think please :)!!!
Be well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 10:11 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 April 2005 10:31 PM GMT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2005
New Gerard Video!!!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Videos
Hi people :), well... I made a new video!!!, and after all the songs I send and everything?? I used a different song :)!! Angel of Mine by Monica, sorry but after listening to all the songs, and downloading some!! they just weren't right!!! and this song means a lot to me since I already have 2 Angels at home, my father and my brother are both named Angel.
I'll like to thank PrincessSky from 'cause she rocks!! specially since she was so kind to let me use some of the footage of her video Holding out for a hero!!! thanks!!!! :D.
On request of the administration of I made a diferent version of the video with out any clips from the Beaowulf movie instead I used a really cute kiss from Timeline ;), if anyone got the other video, please erase it or just don't share it ok :D.
You can find this new link here and find my video in Gerard, Angel of Mine, Rapid Share Link
As you can see is a rapid share link, but please don't post it anywhere unless you ask please?? 'cause I want to know how many people likes it :D.
Oh, and here is another link!!!! a YouSendIt link, just in case anyone has troubles with the Rapidshare
Remember is only for 7 days and some downloads if it expires, let me know Gerard, Angel of Mine, YouSendIt Link <--NEW LINK April 22 2005
Oh, and I used some images from my former video and some footage, with some changes ;), check if you notice the changes of the clips ;), is just that he's so amazing!!!!!!!
I truly hope you are going to enjoy watching it as much as I did making it :), hugs!!!!!!!!!
Be well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 5:07 PM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 23 April 2005 3:12 AM GMT
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Friday, 1 April 2005
Thinking about my new video
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat :D
Topic: Videos
Hi, well, a new video is decided but what song to use!!!!, I have several, opinions will be nice :D.
The songs are:
I made a choice ;), lets see what happens

Be well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 3:55 AM WAT
Updated: Saturday, 2 April 2005 4:53 PM WAT
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Thursday, 17 March 2005
Bandwidth is death!!! :(, and new video
Mood:  caffeinated
Hi, well, my bandwidth is totally death, I'm over one gigs of space!!! this blog has been visited over 700 times during the last 3 days!!! wow :D, just wow!!!!
Oh.. since some people complained about the size of the video I made one almost exactly the same, just change 2 details that where wrong, and is now a little smaller, instead of 21 mgs, the size is now of 18 mgs :).
Hope this helps, and please, please give right click and save on, or give me a place to upload it :D.Any suggestions of songs are welcomed, since I want to do another video, not that soon, since I'm leaving next week :( vacation? or something like that, a week with my Dad away from home?? oh well.
Take care everyone, and let me know if you like or even noticed the small changes.
Be well

PS: The link is now from Rapid share :D, you can get it here!!! Rapid Share link to the Gerard Videobe well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 5:53 PM WAT
Updated: Thursday, 17 March 2005 6:34 PM WAT
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005
Help with the Bandwidth
Mood:  sad
Topic: Videos
People please!!! my bandwidth is expiring!!!! :), is great to know that so many of you like this video, but please save it to your pc!!! or my site is going to be down!!! I already bought an extra giga but I can't afford more :(, so, please, please!!! give right click and save, so i don't have to let the place go for the rest of the month :(.
Be well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 11:32 PM WAT
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My new video!!!! A Gerard Butler one :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Josh Groban, You are still you
Topic: Videos
Hi :), well... Finally!!!!!!!!! I did it!! after almost 2 weeks the video with Gerard Butler is done!! this took me ages!!! to search for the right images!! to find all the clips I need it!! wow :D, never thought I'll see the day :D. The song is You are still you, by Josh Groban, one of my favorite always :) !!!.
Please, any feedback will be soooooo welcomed!!!
Here is the link for the Gerard, Still You video
Gerard video link
Is High quality, so is big!!! if anyone wants a small one let me know.
This is not a Rapid share link, since the bandwindth is totally dead!!!!!
Oh... and please give a right click and save target as, it saves bandwidth :)

Be well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 4:52 AM WAT
Updated: Thursday, 17 March 2005 6:32 PM WAT
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Thursday, 3 March 2005
Another version of my Christmas video :)
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Josh Groban
Topic: Videos
Hi, well... after big deliberation, I decided to make a new version of my Christmas video... why?? 'cause I wasn't really happy with it, 'cause I finally got great images and video of Gerard Butler and... well, just because, I was bored and the Phantom video I'm working on is not coming together!!!!.
Anyway, here is the link for the new video :D, is High quality, as always :D, and please give a right click and save target as, it saves bandwidth :)
My new Christmas video
Any coments will be most welcomed!!! be well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 4:13 AM WAT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 March 2005 12:14 AM WAT
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Monday, 24 January 2005
My first video of 2005!!!! Orlando a World Wonder ;)
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: The soundtrack of The Phantom of the Opera!!!! Amazing!!
Topic: Videos
Hi :D, well!!! I made a new video!!! I was totally frustrated this last days, and decide to made myself a birthday present ;), my birthday was the 21!! and I turned 30 :D, this wasn't the reason of my frustration, but it did helped :).
This video is aaalllllllllll about Orlando Bloom with the song Eight World Wonder by Kimberly Locke, I truly like this song, and well... is sooooo Orlando!!!!.
Let me know if you like it!!! I need opinions!! and please remember to give a right click and save target as, it saves bandwidth :)

Orlando, A World Wonder video

Posted by Monica_O at 3:42 AM WAT
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Friday, 31 December 2004
Nothing much, just.... Hi :)
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: The Soundtrack of The Return of the king
Hi, well.... things have been totally hectic lately, and I do mean really, really busy, I haven't had time to be online or even to really sit in the computer, less even to make a video :(, I'll have to work on that later, when I have some free time from life.
I have been really worried, one of my best friends, and another friend live close by to the places where the tsunamis hit last week, Thank God everyone I know is ok, but I'm so sad for everyone that lose someone!! I'm not that sad for the death people, they are now in a better place, but the ones that stay behind, that are hurt, or lose someone or something, or sometimes lose everything, my heart is breaking for them :( I really wish I could do something to help!!! but I can only think of them and pray.
Besides that things have been busy as I said, but ok, no big problems, several nice things, people and gifts :) which is amazing I have to say!!, love to be ok with life, even if it's not what I'll like to have, just being alive and with the people I love is such a gift!!!.
Also I have been devoting some of my free time to read, specially anime fanfics, Clamp related mostly, they are depressive but really nice sometimes, they fit my mood so they are ok :), anyone who knows some good Clamp Campus Detectives or as is called in USA Clamp School Detectives ;), let me know, also some Rayearth or X fics :D.
Hugs to everyone, Happy New Year!!!!!, be well and take care.

Posted by Monica_O at 11:39 PM WAT
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Monday, 6 December 2004
Christmas Video edition :)
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Videos
Hi :D, well, after reading some feedback on the Just Gorgeous video, about the Carpenters song, so I changed the song, and the video, a little bit :D, add some images at the end, changed some that I wasn't totally happy about.
Is high quality 'cause I deleted the other video The song is "All I want for Christmas is you" by Olivia Olson, from the Soundtrack Love Actually.
I hope you enjoy this Christmas gift for my friends :)
Please remember to give a right click and save target as, it saves bandwidth :)
My Christmas video gift ---> this video is not longer working :(, I made several changes, I guess I'm never going to be totally happy with it :D, the new link is in the new post.

Posted by Monica_O at 4:20 PM WAT
Updated: Thursday, 3 March 2005 3:50 AM WAT
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